Featured Book
The Spoon from Minkowitz: A Bittersweet Roots Journey to Ancestral Lands (with Discussion Guide)
Judith Fein, Author
Publisher: GlobalAdventure.us (2014)
ISBN 0988401932

The award-winning travel journalist's life turned into a crazy, funny, sad detective story as she set out to solve the mystery of where she came from, who came before her, and whom she loved. When she traveled to Ukraine, the veil of modernity lifted, and she was transported back to the world of the ancestors. She discovered what she calls Emotional Genealogy--the way our ancestors continue to impact our lives, loves, choices and behaviors, even if we don't know who they were. Find out more about the book
About the Author
Judith Fein is an award-winning travel journalist who has contributed to more than 105 international publications; author of the popular book, LIFE IS A TRIP: The Transformative Magic of Travel; and a keynote presenter for many conferences. Judith is co-founder and executive editor of award-garnering experiential travel blog YourLifeisTrip.com, and blogs about travel for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Widely lauded as a speaker and storyteller, she is a frequent guest on broadcast media. With her photojournalist husband Paul Ross, she teaches public speaking and creativity as applied to writing, PR and Marketing. Learn more about Judith