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Ever since Travel Classics Ireland in 2005, freelance writer Elaine Glusac has been a leading voice at Travel Classics conferences.  We have always valued her participation.  And this year we value it even more, for Elaine has won the Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year Award, a great honor best expressed by Elaine’s New York Times editor, Amy Virshup.

"Dear Fellow Travelers,

If you read Times Travel regularly, you know the name Elaine Glusac. She is a frequent contributor to our coverage, whether she’s sussing out the flight alerts you should sign up for, offering a guide to a weekend in Albuquerque, or capturing the essence of California’s Lost Coast, with its remote and rugged shoreline. This week, the Society of American Travel Writers gave Elaine its highest honor, the Lowell Thomas Travel Journalist of the Year award for what the judges called a portfolio that demonstrates a mastery of every form of travel writing, from breaking news…to beautifully written features about her adventures. I couldn’t agree more, and I’m so proud to have Elaine’s work grace our pages."

Amy Virshup
Travel Editor

The New York Times

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