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Sojourns of the Soul:
One Woman's Journey Around the World and into Her Truth

Dana Micucci, Author
Quest Books (October 11, 2011)
ISBN-10: 0835608980 

Dana Micucci's new memoir, "Sojourns of the Soul: One Woman's Journey around the World and into Her Truth," explores this dilemma while chronicling seven trips that span 14 years of Micucci's life as she explores the connection of inner growth to world travel that eventually leads to her own self-actualization. 

"Sojourns of the Soul" takes the reader on a journey through the world's most sacred and exotic lands, including the Australian Outback, Cambodia, Egypt, Tibet, the Yucatan, New Mexico and Peru. As she explores each "souljourn," Micucci finds herself in seven successive stages that correlate with each of the seven spiritual energy centers of the body, called chakras. These stages take the reader from an awakening all the way to activation. 

John Perkins, New York Times bestselling author of "Hoodwinked" and "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man":
"Sojourns of the Soul" is a rainbow bridge through time and space. Dana Micucci uses her colorful journeys into diverse cultures to learn for herself and teach us, her readers, about the powers of transformation -- and the ecstasy of being fully present in every moment." 

Jan Phillips, author, "No Ordinary Time-The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Consciousness":
Nothing opens the eyes of a soul like a dive into an unknown pool. Dana Micucci's journeys into the unknown have transformed her life and she unravels the exciting details in these masterful tales. "Sojourns of the Soul" is an uplift to the spirit of any armchair traveler.

Dana Micucci has enjoyed a decades-long career as a journalist that has brought her to many of the world's most sacred, exotic lands to study and write about the artistic and cultural traditions of many diverse destinations. In addition to her newest book, she is the author of "Artists in Residence," "Best Bids: The Insider's Guide to Buying at Auction," and "Collector's Journal." Micucci divides her time between New Mexico and New York City, while continuing her worldly travels.

Visit www.danamicucci.com to learn more

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